Saturday, 11 May 2013

Wilayat ke darje....Peer zulfiqar Ahmed Nakshbandi(db)

"Gunahon se Jo Bache wo hai ALLAH ka Wali,
Khush Hua Khuda usse, Khush Huwe Usse Nabi..."
Peer Zulfiqar Ahmed DB. in his unique simplistic style explain the levels of Wilayat..The best ever bayan on the topic and clearls the most common misconceptions about wilayat and tassawuf.."that it is something which needs to stop all worldly affairs and sit on mussala only.."
One best point explained about Wilayat e kubra where "Makruhat e shariya ..makruhat-e-tabai-ya ban jati hain.."..A stage where the natural inclination of the self is towards evil is same as the view of the shariat..
Wilayat ke darjey

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Friday, 10 May 2013

Value of Time and Health....Mufti Taqi Usmani db.

Prophet SAS said which means in my words..."Two blessing a person mostly takes granted untill any one of them is lost ..One is Health and another is Free time.." How valueable is our life and time and how to deal with the calamaties is the message in this bayan by Mufti e Aazam Sayyadi wa sanadi Hazrat Moulana Mufti Taqi Usmani db(may Allah preserve him)....This bayan was delivered after his recovery from recent Illness
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Value of Health and Time

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